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Commitment to improving human health

Compliance Program

On the occasion of compliance program introduction. For a business firm to continuously prosper in the society, it is needless to say the need of continuous management with management basic spirit to legislation conformity for maintaining the society. Moreover, recently there are many active efforts to reflect business firm’s social responsibility to management. Unlike other industries, medical supply industry does not stop at creating simple added value through medical supply, but is a life-related industry devoting to mankind life and health which is greatly expected as an essential field of welfare country.

In medical treatment, purchase and selection of medical supply should accord to suitable decision of medical institute based on the quality, price, andprecise information, and provision of prizes as unreasonable valuables and service to medical PIC is concerned for distorting suitable selection and usage of medical supplies.

Especially, since medical supply is directly related to life, final consumer is a patient, not a doctor who selects the medical supply, andprovision of unreasonable prizes through by tempting supply purchase means from the cost using public resources can cause more critical damage than other industries. In order to constantly manage society faith and credit of total medical supplies, it is necessary to maintain and stimulate impartial, clear, and free competition other than unreasonable sales promotion action in medical supply.
In such view, we Hanlim Pharm.co.,ltd.
should settle compliance program to prevent action violating fair trade rules as well as thorough compliance to promote realization of clear and fair trade.

Thus all employee of Hanlim Pharm.co.,ltd. should follow compliance program, and if defying, take notice that there can be punishment for the personnel.
Again, I request for all employee’s effort to obtain more understanding from similar businesses as well as medical institute and medical concerned persons for such effort of our firm.